DomiNIC Release 8.3.1

Important: Release 8.3.1 requires NIC-Container 8.0 or higher


  • Fixed issue with sending hashed Denic authinfo.
  • Enhanced validation for the upload of zone files.
  • Optimization of the storage and zone versioning of zone with very many records.
  • Improved error messages for operation KSK rollover.
  • Fixed handling of old separated Lock/Unlock orders.
  • Fixed issue with RCodeZero control name server in order process.
  • Fixed issue with validation of host names in zone forwardings.


  • user defined fields in Soap/Rest API

For all changes and details please refer to our SOAP API documentation.

DomiNIC Release 8.3.0

Important: Release 8.3.0 requires NIC-Container 8.0 or higher

New Features

  • DomiNIC now offers RCode Zero DNS management service as a premium feature. Please contact our support team for details.
  • New panel for registrar lock/unlock
  • GDPR deletion routine for unused domain contacts: unassigned contacts are deleted via polling message by NIC. Alternatively a deletion routine can be configured in the GDPR control panel.
  • Encryption of all passwords and encryption tool
  • Additional fields in customer and user administration: mobile number for users and tax registration numer for customers
  • New user friendly input field for phone numbers
  • It can be configured which option for domain deletion is pre-selected (now/expiry date/specific date)
  • New function “view/hide” password


  • Upgrade of the application server to wildfly 25
  • Default session timeout reduced to 20 minutes
  • validation of local presence implemented in SOAP/REST API
  • It is now possible to change zones while KSK rollover is pending
  • Reduced time for saving the zone versioning
  • On the tab “Transfer Domain” the validation for NIC rules is deactivated. By this for example two character domains can be transferred, while the registration of a 2-charachter domain is denied
  • Adjusted GUI layout for the customer suggestion box, giving better visiblity to long customer IDs
  • Improved handling of TTL values of resource record sets
  • Enhanced validation of AAAA records, IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses are now identified and an error message is displayed that IPv4 address must be used
  • Core: Owner verification: an email ist now sent to the customer when DomiNIC receives the polling reminder.
  • Improved parsing of RDAP queries
  • System configuration now allows longer input strings
  • Ascio: price for premium domains is not longer displayed
  • SOAP API DomainInfo request: Authcode is only returned if user has adequate rights profile
  • Added a length validation for SPF records. Warning level can be configured


  • Fixed issue with bulk orders and Multi-NIC.
  • Fixed issue with contact modify for unassigned contacts via Soap API.
  • Fixed issue with domain import via Soap API when the domain already exists in DomiNIC
  • Fix for: Existing AAAA record is not deactivated when a redirect for the zone is created
  • Fix for: Authinfo delete for Eurid not working
  • Fixed issue with email addresses with capital letters at
  • Fixed issue with deactivating records in big zones.
  • Fixed issue with inconsistent comments in accounting files
  • Fixed issue with the automatic deletion of domains when a domain attachment had been assigned
  • Multiple price uploads for same date are now possible.
  • Mulit NIC: Fixed issue with domain modify containing a contact handle belonging to a different NIC account in Soap API
  • Multi NIC: fixed issue with duplicate name server handles
  • Fixed issue with the toggle buttons in system configuration
  • Fix for: Certificate renew does not work from Domain Details page
  • Fix for: Translation keys that were manually localized are not shown in the User Interface
  • Fixed issue with Core transfer away with confirmation.
  • Fixed issue with zone versioning after change of name server group
  • Fixed issue with domain import via Soap API when no nameserver group is specified
  • Fixed issue with delayed deletion of zones
  • fixed issue with password reset and activated two factor authentication
  • Fixed issue with deletion of resource records in Soap API
  • Fix for: page availability check: selected area tab is not displayed


  • Added extended validation of field “telephone” to CustomerModifyRquest
  • Added taxRegistrationNumber to CustomerDetailsData>
  • Added mobileNumber to UserCreateRequest>

For all changes and details please refer to our SOAP API documentation.

DomiNIC Release 8.2.7

Important: Release 8.2.7 requires NIC-Container 7.9 or higher


  • Fixed issue with auto renew price events for domains/zones that do not have an expiration date.
  • Fixed issue with the translation manager and empty values that could not be changed.
  • Fixed issue with missing approver mail addresses for SAN certificates.

DomiNIC Release 8.2.6

Important: Release 8.2.6 requires NIC-Container 7.9 or higher

New Features

  • REST API: DomiNIC can now be connected by a REST API, alongside the existing SOAP API. Please contact our support for more details.


  • Existing transfer locks will now be displayed in the domain availability check. Transfers for domains with active transfer locks require a dedicated user right.
  • Added a new user right that allows users to view certain background orders like time delayed zone deletions and some notifications from in the domain lifecycle.
  • Reworked user rights for domain modifications, so that it’s possible to create user right profiles that allow users to register domains and edit zones, but not to change contact details.
  • Added new custom property “simplified_api” that allows to use the REST / SOAP APIs in a more simple way. This setting will deactivate polling messages as well as the queuing of orders. Please contact our support if you consider using this setting.
  • User export now contains a flag that shows whether the user has activated the two-factor authentication.


  • Deactivated resource records will be validated now, to make sure that imported records are at least syntactically valid.
  • Fixed an issue where internal transfers were only recognized for domains that are visible to the logged in customer.
  • Fixed an issue where transfers for domains in pending-delete status were allowed.
  • Fixed an issue with the TLD filter in the TLD configuration settings.
  • REST/SOAP API: Authcodes in DomainModify operations are now being used to authenticate the request (only required for some TLDs), not to update the authcode. The latter can be done by using the authcode operations.
  • Fixed an issue where contacts with the type role can not be edited in the contact management.
  • Fixed an issue where the current date was displayed as “last change” date for newly imported domain.
  • Core02: Fixed parsing for successful domain modification messages for TLD

DomiNIC Release 8.2.5

Important: Release 8.2.5 requires NIC-Container 7.9 or higher


  • When NIC policies do not allow non ascii characters in contact data, these characters will be  converted automatically if possible
  • Delayed zone delete orders will not be shown in the domain lifecycle any more. Only the root customer will be able to see these orders.
  • The profile settings now include an information link about the deletion of accounts. If this link shall not be shown to clients, it can be removed by setting the new system configuration to false.
  • Unified domain renew comments in accounting reports. The text is now always “Automatic renew fee for 1 year(s)”, no matter whether the renew was initialized by the NIC or DomiNIC
  • Improved labels, tooltips and information for the ttl-controlled job feature 
  • Zone transfers for internal transfers are now protected with a new user right. Only users with the new right are able to perform an AXFR for internal transfers 
  • Notifications from Eurid regarding removed contacts will cause DomiNIC to remove the contact from the database as well, as long as it is not assigned to any active domain 


  • Fixed an issue with DNSSEC signed IDN domains using Knot DNS
  • Fixed an issue which occurred in certain situations when a domain is switched to manual name servers
  • The dns-active domain status will now be set, if a domain is imported whose zone is already managed by DomiNIC. Likewise the dns-active status is set after a data sync with the NIC, if the domain uses auto name servers 
  • Removed multiple whitespace characters in SPF records, as these can lead to validation errors in mail servers and online spf-checking tools 
  • It is no longer allowed to enter manual name servers for host names, which are already used as auto name servers in the system, as this led to issues with name server changes