DomiNIC Release 7.6.0

Important: Release 7.6.0 requires NIC-Container 2.0 Features Upgraded Wildfly from version 8 to version 12 All DomiNIC components now support Java 9 Dashboards for operators and end customers implemented. Details on this feature can be found in the online documentation chapter 12.4 Dashboard A reseller customer is labeled and subordinate customers can now be displayed…

DomiNIC Release 7.5.4

Important: Release 7.5.4 requires at least NIC-Container 1.9 NIC Interfaces Adjustements for CORE02 API – changes for the ICANN owner verification process The new parameter registrant.verification.override will be set within domain create, domain modify and contact modify requests. This will indicate that the applicant is aware of the WAP service implementation. To verify the owner email…

DomiNIC Release 7.5.3

Important: Release 7.5.3 requires NIC-Container 1.7 Features Implemented Verisign namestore registry interface Adjustments for new Ascio API version. These changes apply to premium domains. Until further notice automatic registrations of premium domains will not be possible, however manually registered premium domains can be imported into DomiNIC. Improvements Eurid polling messages for domains that have passed…

DomiNIC Release 7.5.2

Features New functionality “Login token” A new SOAP API request can be used to generate a login token for a certain user This login token can be passed as url parameter alongside with the user id to perform a login The login token expires after a short period of time New functionality “zone file import…

DomiNIC Release 7.5.1

Features New functionality “password reset” on the login page a user can request a password reset  The user has to enter his email address and will receive a link. By following the link the user can set a new password. New functionality 2-factor authentication 2-factor authentication using Google authenticator This feature is not part of…

DomiNIC Release 7.5.0

Features Separate deployment of NIC policies From version 7.5 onwards the NIC policies are deployed independently from the application. Nic policies can be exchanged during runtime of the software. No downtime required for policy changes Interface of Nominum ANS nam servers  implemented. Nominum ANS name server can be provisioned via DomiNIC. DomiNIC supports the Multi Master…

DomiNIC Release 7.4.8

Bugfixes Both NIC connections for Denic and SIDN will use the latest version of TLS (v1.2) now, regardless of what is configured in the java security settings. This is required to ensure stable connections. Fixed domain imports for Instra Nic Policy Updates New TLDs for Instra management delivery group

DomiNIC Release 7.4.7

Bugfixes Special SOA times are implemented for TLD .is Fixed issue for Epag transfer away. Field 1b is filled out with the associated ticket number. Fixed issue for reverse zones. Only one nameserver is now required for a reverse zone. Polling mechanism for Instra will not abort at a certain point for transfer orders. Nic…

DomiNIC Release 7.4.6

Bugfixes When the domain details or lifecycle page is opened, only the latest ten orders for the domain will be loaded. In the past this issue sometimes led to memory problems for domains with a large amount of orders. Nic Policy Updates Fixed default transfer order periods for several Instra TLDs