NIC Container Release 1.2

Compatible: DomiNIC 7.5.0, 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.5.3 Ascio IDN activated for .gmbh and .online Ascio corrected language code for .club and .shop Ascio minimal domain name length for .info set to 3 characters Core02 corrected DomainCreate for .us Core02 policy update for .asia (CED contact no neccessary) Ascio added TLDs .yoga and .video Epag added TLD…

DomiNIC Release 7.5.0

Features Separate deployment of NIC policies From version 7.5 onwards the NIC policies are deployed independently from the application. Nic policies can be exchanged during runtime of the software. No downtime required for policy changes Interface of Nominum ANS nam servers  implemented. Nominum ANS name server can be provisioned via DomiNIC. DomiNIC supports the Multi Master…

DomiNIC Release 7.4.8

Bugfixes Both NIC connections for Denic and SIDN will use the latest version of TLS (v1.2) now, regardless of what is configured in the java security settings. This is required to ensure stable connections. Fixed domain imports for Instra Nic Policy Updates New TLDs for Instra management delivery group

DomiNIC Release 7.4.7

Bugfixes Special SOA times are implemented for TLD .is Fixed issue for Epag transfer away. Field 1b is filled out with the associated ticket number. Fixed issue for reverse zones. Only one nameserver is now required for a reverse zone. Polling mechanism for Instra will not abort at a certain point for transfer orders. Nic…

DomiNIC Release 7.4.6

Bugfixes When the domain details or lifecycle page is opened, only the latest ten orders for the domain will be loaded. In the past this issue sometimes led to memory problems for domains with a large amount of orders. Nic Policy Updates Fixed default transfer order periods for several Instra TLDs

DomiNIC Release 7.4.4

Features Additional owner change PDF confirmations can be activated for a certain TLDs and customers. These confirmations will be send to the new registrant, after the default confirmations expired and will last 2 weeks . Bugfixes Adjustments for Eurid: Changed EPP authinfo schemas

DomiNIC Release 7.4.2

Bugfixes Fixed a rarely occurring issue that causes problems in the order process, when user defined fields are loaded. Nic Policy Updates Fixes for Ascio Adjustments for Ascio/ Added additional fields and validations for owner contacts. Adjustments for Ascio/ Added local presence validations.