DomiNIC Release 7.7.1

Important: Release 7.7.1 requires NIC-Container 3.0



  • The Batch API can now be used if the application server is configured to use SSL only
  • Deactivated resource records will no longer be returned by any SOAP API DomainExport and DomainInfo variations


  • Fixed an issue in the SOAP API that could lead to problems finding customers.


  • Version 2.17 of  the SOAP API released:

    Changes: The address of the service that is defined in the WSDL uses now HTTPS/8443. Nevertheless, depending on the configuration of the server, the webservice still may be offered via HTTP/8080. It is recommended to use HTTPS/8443. Please refer to the SOAP API documentation, available for download in our Online Documentation

DomiNIC Release 7.7.0

Important: Release 7.7.0 requires NIC-Container 3.0


  • Multiple NIC accounts: it is now possible to configure more than one Account for one NIC. This feature is not part of the standard edition, but is available at an additional charge. Please contact our support team for pricing information.
  • New SOAP API operation ContactExportAsModify. This operation makes bulk contact changes easier.


  • Support for Java 10
  • SOAP API version is displayed on the maintenance page
  • Excel download supports now XLSX format
  • Downloads of orders and order approvals will now show the customer of the domain
  • Improved validation of links in the “documents and links” settings
  • Security updates
  • Improved return values for batch orders
  • Notification of users in cases their account is blocked due to too many failed login attempts
  • Improved message after failed login attempts with 2 factor authentication


  • Adjusted the generated authcode for domain and contacts for CORE05 to cover the policies of some advanced nTLDs
  • Fixed problem with filtering for resource record types


  • New Method ContactExportAsModify
  • Additonal return value for SOAP client logins. For details please refer to our online documentation.

DomiNIC Release 7.6.2

Important: Release 7.6.2 requires NIC-Container 2.2 or higher.



  • Fixed issues with filters and sorters for large zones in the resource record editor.
  • The system configuration for the first displayed TLDs on the domain services page can now be changed without a restart.
  • Fixed issue on the maintenance page that occurred when the BPE contains more than 40.000 orders
  • Fixed issue that could lead to errors in database migration jobs with oracle databases.


DomiNIC Release 7.6.1

Important: Release 7.6.1 requires NIC-Container 2.2 or higher.


  • The About DomiNIC page was replaced by the page Status and Maintenance, where important system informations are displayed. Administrators with the appropriate profile can restart the system here.  A full description of this feature can be found in our online documentation.
  • DomiNIC adjustments for GDPR requirements. Storage of personal data can now be managed according to GDPR requirements. DomiNIC now offers mechanisms to delete or anonymize personal data. A full description of this feature can be found in our online documentation.
    • Additional information texts the pages My user account and Contact Data inform the users about the purpose of the data stored by the system.
    • Whois disclose fields for owner and admin contacts are no longer activated by default
    • Creation of polling messages created for orders started by SOAP API can now be deactivated by a system configuration
    • Deletion of data/anonymization: The following features have to be specifically enabled by the operator of the system:
      • Database logging of transactions of users will now be cleared after configurable number of days (default is 360 days)
      • Contact details will be cleaned for orders that are older than a configurable number of days (default is 180 days).
      • Domains which were deleted, transferred out or had been expired will be completely removed after a configurable number of days (default is 3 years).
  • Reporting: If enabled, DomiNIC creates  a monthly TLD based report. Find out more about this feature in our online documentation


  • If a domain/zone is assigned to more than one name server group, end customers will now see which name server group is assigned to a resource record. 
  • Special registration hints that concern certain NIC policies will be highlighted on the contact data page.
  • The domain detail and lifecycle page can now be refreshed by a link on the page’s top right corner.
  • The date fields (arrival, scheduled, start, completion) of the SOAP API response orderInfo will now also contain the time of day.


  • Fixed an issue that can occur in the connection between BPE and Wildfly if SSL connections are used.
  • Adjusted whois parser, after’s GDPR changes.
  • Fixed an issue with host create nic operations.
  • Duplicate badwords are now prohibited in the badword manager.


  • Request DomainZoneModify can be used for zone modifies of regular domains as well as for a parallel running zonemodify operation. Find more details in our online documentation.

DomiNIC Release 7.6.0

Important: Release 7.6.0 requires NIC-Container 2.0


  • Upgraded Wildfly from version 8 to version 12
  • All DomiNIC components now support Java 9
  • Dashboards for operators and end customers implemented. Details on this feature can be found in the online documentation chapter 12.4 Dashboard
  • A reseller customer is labeled and subordinate customers can now be displayed in the customer administration


  • Database PostgreSQL 10 can be used with DomiNIC
  • New NICs will be added via migration job
  • Validation of the maximum number of name servers can now be set on TLD level. This policy will be delivered with new NIC container releases
  • Required authcodes for domain modify orders will now be validated
  • Users can now be filtered by their user profiles
  • Improved and localized information text for GUI price imports
  • Error messages improved for invalid user and customer import files
  • Price files can now be imported as Excel (additionally to CSV) file. Price templates now only contain English table headers, so that the import is independent of the current GUI localization


  • Orders coming from Soap API now contain the NIC-Container version they were started with
  • Fixed display problem in order approval search results list
  • Fixed issue with closely spaced orders using the same contact
  • Infogate command ‘SendNicRequest’ works again for all NICs except ASCIO
  • Zone modify orders will not get stuck due to contact validation
  • Admin-C as a recipient for authcode information has been removed for TLDs that do not support the Admin-C
  • The change of the IP address for a name server in the name server management is now sent to the NIC with a subsequent domain modify order
  • Selected entry from field ‘Group’ in ‘Create/Edit Zone Entry’ on page ‘Name servers’ persists when changing other zone entry values
  • Label for input field of IPv6 addresses on the page ‘Name servers’ added
  • Fixed issue within the RRI connection to Denic that occasionally occurred when the response is larger than 2048 Bytes
  • Fixed modify orders for EPAG contact handle
  • Fixed issue that could lead to duplicate generation of EPAG contact handles
  • Fixed issue in the SOAP API that occurred when a non existing effective customer was passed in the request
  • Fixed issue with the appserver caching of user rights that can occur when the rights of a profile are changed
  • Fixed SOAP/batch API operation DomainExportAsModify for domains with NAPTR resource records
  • Fixed zone query from DNS for real SPF records (not TXT)
  • SOAP API operation pollingAck will now return an error code and message when a non existing message id is passed

DomiNIC Release 7.5.4

Important: Release 7.5.4 requires at least NIC-Container 1.9

NIC Interfaces

  • Adjustements for CORE02 API – changes for the ICANN owner verification process
    • The new parameter registrant.verification.override will be set within domain create, domain modify and contact modify requests. This will indicate that the applicant is aware of the WAP service implementation. To verify the owner email address the Core API sends an email to the not-yet verified domain owner address. If the owner does not verify the email address within 15 days, the domain will be put into the on-hold status and can’t be accessed any more.
    • The new parameter registrant.verification.ignore will be set with incoming domain transfer requests. This is required to allow transfers of domains with owner email adresses, that are not-yet verified.
    • New polling messages will be forwarded to the DomiNIC operator:
      • registrant.verification.reminder: this reminds the owner that his email address is still not verified and that the domain status will soon change to the on-hold status
      • domain.status.change: this indicates a domain has changed to status on-hold and can’t be accessed any more
  • Adjustments for SIDN API: Minor changes to the domain info command