DomiNIC Release 7.4.1


  • Domain renew orders started via SOAP API will not cause needless domain info requests, to determine the new expire date. The new expire date will be calculated based on the current expire date and the order period instead.
  • Lists of IP addresses and hostnames for SPF records can now be seperated by whitespaces, instead of line breaks only. This is mainly important for orders started by SOAP or BATCH API.


  • The calendar icon will now be displayed for scheduled domain deletions again.
  • The original value of contact fields, that are mapped to other contact or trademark fields within an Ascio AWS order, will not be put into the order any more. E.g. for .law domains.
  • Issue fixed where under some circumstances name server changes failed for NICs which require host create operations.
  • Fixed BATCH/ SOAP API exports for domains with SPF records, which do not contain the fields explanation and redirect.
  • Removing internal name server groups for zones with both external and internal groups will not cause error messages any more.


Nic Policy Updates

  • New TLDs for Ascio

    • estate
    • pet