DomiNIC Release 7.2.4


  • Bulk operation for Delete and Expire:
    • In the domain inventory a user can select multiple domains for delete and expire.
    • Domains can be selected by a simple left click, by shift clicks over multiple lines or by the new “select all/select all visible” option
    • After selecting multiple domains the user can choose the desired action. Domains where delete or expire is not supported will be displayed to the user.
    • The bullk feature can be activated by a new user right.
  • New registrar Instra implemented


  • The option to set contact handles within domain operations can now be deactivated by a new user right 
  • Removed redundant line breaks in many email templates 
  • The order search result is now ordered by the start date (latest entries first) by default
  • Added gpg signature for order approval confirmation mails 
  • The SOAP API commands DomainInfo and DomainExport will now return the name of the currently assigned name server group 
  • The export of the domain inventory now contains the domain’s last change date


Continue reading “DomiNIC Release 7.2.4”

DomiNIC Release 7.3.1


  • Registrar Interface for Core05 implemented for the following TLDs: 
  • .swiss
  • .shop
  • .online
  • .london
  • .financial
  • .ski
  • .support
  • .company
  • .community
  • .digital
  • .help
  • .blackfriday
  • .energy
  • .porn
  • .adult
  • .sex


  • Fixed an issue where owner change order approvals were accepted, after just one of either the old or new owner confirmed the approval via the standalone approval page 
  • Fixed an issue where owner change order approvals remains in an open state, after one of either the old or new owner rejected the approval
  • Fixed an issue where the GUI zone query button within domain transfer orders caused occasionally errors, if the queried zone contains NS resource records for in bailiwick name servers
  • Fixed an issue where rejection/confirmation of multiple order approvals at once did not store the result of the confirmation in the IP_LOG table
  • Fixed an issue where the table header option “select all/ deselect all” in result lists did not work properly, if the first result entry is deactivated 
  • Fixed an issue where the checkbox for bulk registrations was shown in the transfer domain and create zone tabs of the domain service page
  • Fixed an issue where success messages for stored email data settings were not displayed

Nic Policy Updates

  • Adjustments for the new ICANN IRTP Policies
    • Ascio: Transfers with owner changes of gTLDs will be handled within the transfer operation, thus DomiNIC will no longer send an owner change operation after the successful transfer 
    • EPAG: Likewise to Ascio, no owner change operations will be send to EPAG after successfully completed transfer operations. New EPAG pending notifications codes 102071 and 108071 for IRTP will be parsed and stored as order correspondence. New EPAG notifications for failed owner changes within a transfer or domain modify process (302091/308091) will be parsed and lead the order to be partially successfull.
  • New TLDs for EPAG 
  • fo
  • gm
  • ps
  • tc
  • sa
  • diet
  • fans
  • bm
  • New TLDs for DNS_ONLY
  • xn--ses554g 网址
  • xn--io0a7i 网络
  • xn--fiqz9s 中國
  • Fixes vor EPAG
    • Owner, Admin, Tech, Bill required
    • .gd domain name length = 1-63

DomiNIC Release 7.3.0


  • Domain bulk registrations
    • Bulk registrations are now available for domains, up to 100 domains can be registered within one order
    • Uses the same user right as bulk delete operations: BulkOrder
    • Plus icon next to the domain name input field on the domain service side can be used to insert a list of domains
    • Bulk registrations can handle domains with different TLDs, as long as the TLDs are using only standard contact fields
    • More details can be found on this overview video and DomiNIC’s online documentation


  • Increased BPE performance for a way faster order processing
  • Sort orders of data tables and the amount of displayed data are now stored in the user session (e.g. domain inventory, order search, resource records etc.)
  • Optimized space in the data table of the order approval and domain inventory sites
  • As a result of the changes for the new ICANN inter registrar transfer policies, Ascio’s owner detail change operations will not be used any more if the owner’s email address ist changed. Instead the standard owner change operation will be used.
  • Checkboxes in result lists (e.g. domain inventory, order approvals and resource records) are no longer activated/ deactivated if a text is marked for copying
  • Increased the timeout for connections to the Ascio’s AWS interface to 80 seconds due to occasionally connection timeouts
  • Context menu to select or deselect all entries in a data table (e.g. domain inventory) will now be closed properly, if the focus gets lost
  • Successfully completed domain modify orders cannot be reloaded any more
  • Ignored premature send polling notification “domain-info-lock-customer” which is send immediately after an expire order and caused the domain to be deleted too soon
  • Check for resolvable host names in resource records will only be done one time per host name now. Additionally this check is disabled for large zones, if the zone error warnings ERRORCODE_CNAME_OUTSIDE_ZONE, ERRORCODE_MXNAME_OUTSIDE_ZONE, ERRORCODE_NSNAME_OUTSIDE_ZONE and ERRORCODE_PTRNAME_OUTSIDE_ZONE are set
  • Zone registrations no longer require two name servers
  • Increased performance while navigating through all available TLDs in the checkbox view of the domain registration process
  • Ascio’s Authinfo update operation is only available for TLDs which supports this operation now
  • Data alignments for Ascio domains via domain import orders will now store more uncommon contact fields as well (e.g. trademark number, organisation number, category)
  • The following orders will now be displayed in the lifecycle, additionally to the order search: Deletions of domains after expiring redemption period; Some notifications for expiring and deleted domains. Details of these orders are now displayed in the order details as well
  • Improved performance of customer change operations in systems with a large number of customers

Continue reading “DomiNIC Release 7.3.0”

DomiNIC Release 7.2.3


  • Redesigned administration page for toplevel domains, featuring multi checkbox selections and assignment of default nics (for multinic usage)
  • It is now possible to select multiple resource records for editing, either by checkbox or shift-click


  • Added an own description text for automatic domain renewals within accounting records to seperate them from order period prices for registrations and transfers
  • The TLD of contact specific Core02/Core04 contacts won’t be exported as “information2” attribute for domainExport and domainInfo SOAP API requests any more
  • Improved behavior of customer selection boxes in environments with many customers
  • Improvement for domain availability check: Updated default value of the system configuration setting dominic.unreliableRootNameservers
  • Added an additional tab for new TLDs on the start page

Continue reading “DomiNIC Release 7.2.3”

DomiNIC Release 7.2.2


      • Fixed an issue where authcodes could not be created for Core02 .eu and EPAG .de Domains.
      • The type of resource records can no longer be changed while editing or duplicating the record as this led to problems, especially for zones with a large amount of records

Nic policy updates

TLDs added for Epag

  • bi
  • cg 
  • ge 
  • gy 
  • ly 
  • mw 
  • rw 
  • sn 
  • sr 
  • tj 
  • tt
  • life

TLDs added for Ascio


DomiNIC Release 7.2.1


  • Changes of minor owner and admin contact fields like address fields or phone number will not cause order approvals any more. These minor fields can be configured.
  • Orders for the same domain which are started via SOAP interface will be queued now, when an order for the domain is already in process.
  • Improved behavior for setting up zones by RNS agents on name servers, that cannot be queried from the DomiNIC BPE.
  • GUI: Resource records can now be added alternatively by pressing the enter key.


  • Fixed an issue where Core02 owner contact handles for .eu domains were used for admin contacts.
  • Ascio autorenew notifications for zones will now not block the zone from beeing modified any more.
  • Fixed an issue where the EPAG trustee service was disabled during domain updates.
  • Improved timeout handling for the Core02 and Core04 interfaces.
  • polling message about Restore in online portal is processed correctly (domain-unlocked-customer)
  • Removed unnecessary line breaks from the beginning of mails

Nic policy updates

New TLDs for Ascio

  • sale
  • fashion
  • bet
  • auto
  • car
  • cars
  • family
  • vin
  • wine
  • vision
  • security
  • protection
  • broker
  • forex
  • trading
  • party
  • ricket
  • bid
  • review
  • science
  • cfd
  • food

TLDs for Epag added

  • cr
  • bs

Updates forEpag

  • / field ‘Tax number’ added
  • .kr – field ‘ID number’ and validation on LP owner added.
  • sg/ – field ‘ID number’ for owner and admin added. Validation on LP admin added. Validation on ID number filled in when admin resides in ‘sg’.