DomiNIC Release 8.4.0

Important: Release 8.4.0 requires NIC-Container 8.7 or higher

New Features

The latest release introduces several new features that enhance the platform’s functionality and user experience. These include an adaptive layout for small screens, the ability to configure REST service calls for workflow integration, and the option to configure SOA resource records per zone. These updates provide greater flexibility and control for users, while also streamlining various processes.

  • Responsiv (Adaptive) layout for small screens.
  • REST service workflow integration: This is a new premium feature that allows to configure REST service calls to integrate third party systems at specific points in DomiNIC’s workflow processes.
  • SOA resource records can now be configured per zone.


  • The period (years) for domain renewals in the accounting records is now based on the expiry date given by the NIC instead of a fixed (and maybe outdated) period from the NIC Container.
  • Domain redirect orders can now be performed when there is another order running for the same domain. This will only work when the other order is in a specific state, e.g. waiting for order approvals.
  • Hidden primary name servers will no longer be used as primary name server host names in SOA records. For rns-agent users with bind hidden master setups: Please add the entry “notify-to-soa yes;” to the bind configuration to make sure, that regular dns updates are still working
  • Adjusted resource record validation to increase the support of classless reverse zone delegation (See: RFC 2317).
  • Adjustments to new EURid schemas.
  • Improvements in the zone archive:
    • Added user filter for revision.
    • Current zone content can be exported in bind format
    • Zone changes due to added redirects are now marked in the zone comment.
    • Improved layout.
  • If the terms and conditions box was not checked, this checkbox along with an error message will now be focused instead of the top of the page.
  • Added a button to revert all fields in the order approval form. In addition, after approving/ rejecting an order, a search for all other open order approvals will be automatically performed.
  • Improved handling for reporting configuration.
  • TLDs that have been removed from the nic containers will be automatically removed from the database now.
  • Improved acceptance of CSR formats.
  • SSL certificate prices can now be refreshed in the second step of the ordering process.
  • The SSL certificates inventory can now be filtered by user defined fields.
  • When the CentralNIC Reseller API for SSL certificates is responding with maintenance messages, SSL orders will go into retry mode instead of failing the order.
  • Improved layout for SSL certificate pages when used with high scaling/zoom.
  • Improved handling of domain control validation (DCV) email addresses for sub domains of ordered SSL certificates.
  • Improved functionality (stability) of retry mechanisms in the BPE.
  • Updated third party libraries.
  • Several minor layout improvements.


  • REST-API: The path for DomainModify was adjusted according to the description in the documentation (“PUT /domains/{name}”). The former path (“PUT /domains/{name}/modify”) is no longer valid.
  • Fixed an issue with importing phone and fax numbers in an incompatible format when domains are imported or synchronized with NIC data. This led to unnecessary contact handle registrations and contact changes.
  • Fixed an issue where country code of phone numbers was not always handled properly, when contact information are copied to other contacts.
  • Fixed issues with some specific user right constellations in the end customer dashboard and the own profile page.
  • Fixed an error while uploading zone files in the name server group selection, after a very specific order of group changes was performed.
  • Expire operation can no longer be chosen in bulk operations, if the NIC does not support the operation.
  • Fixed an issue while parsing multiple NIC responses that arrived within a short period of time.
  • Fixed some issues with modify user rights in the domain ordering process.
  • Fixed an issue where the language could not be changed any more, after a contact modify order was initiated.
  • Validation for existing CNAME entries outside the edited zone will now also consider TXT entries.
  • Fixed issues with drop-down menus in Safari browser.
  • Fixed registry connection check for Ascio.
  • Price events will now be deleted from the database, when old orders are removed by the GDPR cronjob.
  • Expired SSL certificates can now be downloaded.
  • Fixed issues with empty strings (instead of null values) in contact detail data in the SOAP API.
  • Fixed an issue where the SOA serial was not increased in automatic zone updates for ttl controlled zone changes.
  • The synchronization of data with NIC now also stores the contact handles. Additionally: For existing domains with missing contact handles, a new message will be shown with the instruction to perform a NIC data synchronization.
  • Zone comments are now shown again on the order summary page.
  • The resolving of name server host names will now also use the etc/hosts file, as long as there are no specific resolvers configured for DomiNIC.