Version 7.1.15

Features and Improvements


  • DNS Templates
    • It is now possible to create and edit DNS Templates. A template stores a set of resource records. For details please refer to section 8.11 of the DomiNIC Online Documentation
    • DNS Templates can be created on customer level
    • When selecting a DNS template within the order process, all specified resource records will be included in the order
    • This feature can be activated based on new user rights 
  • Contact administration
    • Contact search, view and download functionalilty
    • Modification of contact details
    • For further information please refer to the DomiNIC Online Documentation
  • MultiNIC transfers
    • A domain already in DomiNIC can be transferred from one NIC to another, e.g. from a registrar to a registry or from a registrar to another registrar
    • It is also possible to change the customer assignment as well as the NIC.
    • This feature can be used with SOAP and Batch interface.
  • Domain Imports from NIC and DNS
    • Domains can be imported by using the DomainImportOrder via SOAP or Batch API. All data than can be obtained from the NIC will be queried automatically, containing contact data, nameservers, authcode etc. Also all resource records will be queried from the authoritative DNS, if a full zone transfer is allowed.
    • This feature can be used to either import new or missing domains in the system, or to synch existing domains with NIC data.
    • The feature is released for the following NICs:   
      • Denic RESTENA Switch   Ascio
    • For further information please refer to the DomiNIC Online Documentation, Section 1.10
  • Order Approval: Orders selected for approval or refusal are displayed in a list for confirmation.


  • When deleting domains or zones from auto name servers, a new check was added to make sure the zone was deleted successfully. When the zone will be deleted based on a Delete or Transit order, the zone will be deleted immediately, ignoring the configured zone delete timeout on the RNS-Agent. Please note: for this feature an update of the RNS agents to Version 6.1.20_113817 is required.
  • Extended strict validation settings: when strict validation is disabled, the name parts of A, AAAA and MX records are not validated strictly any more. For more information, please refer to the DomiNIC Online Documentation
  • New right added to determine, if optional contacts can be added to an order. Please note that the default profile “end user” does not contain this right.
  • Security for authcodes generated by DomiNIC improved: Authcode is now a 14-digit random string, containing at least one upper/lower case character, one digit, one special character
  • GUI: new help text for restoring resource record to default settings. This help text is only displayed when the system has configured default zone entries.
  • The administrator of the system can now assign the right to change a reseller layout to the reseller. For this a new right ManageLayoutConfigurationProperties was introduced. By default the profiles Administrator and Reseller have this right.

NIC policies

New gTLDs added for Ascio

  • accountant
  • amsterdam
  • coupons
  • courses
  • dog
  • download
  • fans
  • film
  • game
  • hockey
  • law
  • live
  • loan
  • lol
  • miami
  • movie
  • racing
  • rent
  • run
  • sex
  • soccer
  • studio
  • study
  • taipei
  • taxi
  • theater
  • win

Please note: for activating the TLDs please consult the DomiNIC Online Documentation

NIC policies updated for the following Ascio TLDs

  • asia
  • ba
  • bj
  • dk
  • eu
  • hr
  • hu
  • info
  • jp
  • sg
  • *.gt (all available second level domains)


  • Fix for:Problems with handling response codes from Core02 for some transfer cases (Problem with non-consistent success/error codes from Core02)
  • Fix for: in some circumstances non domain related polling notifications could cause problems with handling of polling notifications for domain transactions
  • Fix for: Zone Lock not possible with customer primary and auto name servers as a slave
  • Fix for: zone modify orders failed when the master name servers have different SOA serial numbers
  • Fix for: in some cases translation manager did not store the modified localizations
  • Fix for: zone queries in the domain transfer/modify GUI process dropped NS records for sub zones
  • Fix for: the DNS serial check did not work properly, when a name server change from a customer primary name server + a secondary auto name server to a primary auto name server + the same secondary auto name server was performed.
  • Fix for: very large orders started via soap api caused errors. This could happen if the order contains a large list of resource records (> 50.000)
  • Fix for: additional blank lines in digitally signed Mails
  • Customer selection box now allows to select a customer by mouse click, instead of keyboard selection only. Improved scroll behaviour of selection box.
  • Fix for: the configuration entry dominic.domainsearch.blockedtlds not working for anonymous users
  • Fix for: in the domain order process a new page did not focus on top of the page
  • Display of error messages in contact pages improved
  • Fix for: optional transfer authcodes are displayed as mandatory
  • Fix for: Long TLD names lead to line breaks int he TLD checkbox selection on the register domains page
  • Diverse small GUI/Layout bugfixes

Known Issues

  • In some cases name zones are not deleted from name servers when a transfer is declined by the Nic
  • DNS-Template editor: when editing templates it is in some cases necessary to double click, in order to continue working on the page.
  • Core02: non-parsable polling messages can block BPE


  • Version 2.7 of SOAP API released. Please download API description Version 2.7 here: Download SOAP API

RNS Agent

  • Version 6.1.20_113817 of RNS Agent released.
  • The released version supports the improvement: direct delete of zones in case of domain transit and domain delete. For installation instructions please consult: Configuration rns agents

Update instructions

  • For the improvement “direct delete of zones in case of domain transit and domain delete” please update the RNS agents to the version 6.1.20_113817.

Our support will contact you about activation of the feature DNS templates.